9am - 6pm

Office 901-B1, Gulf Towers
Dubai - U.A.E

Office 901-B1, Gulf Towers
Dubai - U.A.E

Our Service

Feasibility Study Services

Offering feasibility study services in the United Arab Emirates, RFZ Accounting assists you in determining the likelihood that your firm will succeed or fail. Our feasibility study carefully examines the essential elements. You will obtain a thorough understanding of competitive elements as well as hazards related to technology, economics, law, and society at RFZ Accounting. Experts in RFZ Accounting feasibility studies have extensive expertise in writing flawless business plans, carrying out feasibility studies, and producing thorough results.

Why Feasibility Study?

UAE has been evolving into a rapidly expanding economy that provides a safe sanctuary for successful companies. Yet, the right setting and your operational style are essential to your success. To prepare and move forward, you must analyze several variables, such as the funding level, and pinpoint any potential roadblocks. You might not be able to recognize and fix these and other significant issues if you’re a beginner or runner. This is where the value of the Feasibility Study Services for your company becomes apparent.

Objectives of Feasibility Study

A crucial step in business administration is the feasibility study. Feasibility studies pursue the following objectives: 

  • To fully acknowledge every aspect of the idea, plan, or project
  • To be aware of any potential issues that can arise and prevent the project from being implemented
  • Following a comprehensive examination, decide whether the idea is worthwhile to pursue.
  • To determine how much money is required to start the business
  • To prevent the company from heedlessly entering risky industries
  • It forecasts the anticipated returns on investment

Importance of Feasibility Studies

  • It gives a company the freedom to choose where and how to operate.
  • It assists in locating possible obstacles that could impede its functioning. 
  • It assists in estimating the amount of capital required to launch the firm. It helps in aiming for marketing tactics that persuade investors that investing in a specific venture or business is a prudent move.

Different Areas of Feasibility Studies

The different areas of feasibility studies are:

  1. Financial Feasibility Study
    • Recognizes the Start-up Expenses
    • Concoct Profit and Cash Flow Prognoses
    • Judges the Return on Invested Assets (ROI)
  2. Market Feasibility Study
  3. Mechanical Feasibility Study
  4. Executive Feasibility Study