9am - 6pm

Office 901-B1, Gulf Towers
Dubai - U.A.E

Office 901-B1, Gulf Towers
Dubai - U.A.E

Our Service

Internal Control Procedure Services

Offering internal control procedures services to clients in Dubai and around the Emirates, RFZ Accounting is a top provider of accounting and bookkeeping services in the United Arab Emirates. At RFZ Accounting, our knowledgeable consultants help businesses recognize and evaluate risks associated with the security of their assets and financial statements. This helps to avoid fraud and oversights in day-to-day operations. Our internal control procedures services in Dubai and the UAE are intended to help organizations operate more effectively and prevent errors in general administration. 


Steps of Internal Control Procedures

Internal Control Procedures mainly comprise the following steps: 

  • Procedures for scheduling, establishing, guiding, and governing operations.
  • Arrangements for computing, reporting, and controlling performance.
  • Activities taken by management to improve risk management
  • Activities taken by management to upsurge the possibility that the vision and goals will be attained.


Advantages of RFZ Accounting Internal Control Services

RFZ Accounting ensures:

  • Our client’s actions lead to the efficient functioning of the organization. The resources are used only for their intended purposes and to reduce the risk factors.
  • The company has no financial irregularities; it detects them quickly, if any, and finds solutions to resolve the issues that arise. 
  • Our client’s employees are free from being victimized for any indiscretions or embezzlement of reserves.

Benefits of Internal Control Procedures

The advantages of having proper internal control protocols are listed below.

  1. Increase output The management can offer suggestions for elements that can enhance the staff by routinely evaluating employee performance and its results.
  2. Avoid fraud Internal controls prevent fraud from occurring. Organizations can focus on high-risk regions thanks to it.
  3. Assist with financial report disclosures Internal control procedures protect the company’s resources and, as a result, address claims made regarding the correctness, completeness, etc., of financial reports. Accuracy is ensured by internally counting inventory and tracking it in the accounting system. Accuracy is also ensured by counting cash revenues in retail sales before registering them.
  4. Help prevent errors in the financial reports Internal controls prevent errors and incorrect reporting in the financial statements. Reconciliation, for example, helps prevent financial reporting fraud and ensures that the account balances on the balance sheet are accurate—additionally, reconciliation aids in error detection and comprehension of business processes for managers and other users.

How Does RFZ Accounting Help You in the Internal Control Process?

By assisting in the accomplishment of the following essential business goals, RFZ Accounting can maintain the health of your organization through robust internal controls:

  1. Ensure accurate and consistent financial reporting The management can offer suggestions for elements that can enhance the staff by routinely evaluating employee performance and its results.
  2. Obtain effectiveness in operations. Internal solid control environments replace expertise by automating manual controls, eliminating pointless stages in a process, or efficiently combining specific tasks. Consistent financial data makes it easier for management to get timely and pertinent information to confirm that operations align with corporate goals.
  3. Maintains compliance Companies can assist in completing accurate tax returns, other financial obligations, such as loans, etc., and statutory filing using accurate financial data and suitable procedures.
  4. Asset protection Proper controls protect a company’s material and financial assets from theft, fraud, and mistakes and promptly reveal them. The ability will be improved by task segregation, an accurate fixed assets register, a perpetual inventory system, periodic inventory counts, etc.